Patent Application Drafting

Patent application draft refers to the techno-legal document that defines the agreement between an inventor and the government office resulting in the grant of the patent. Patent specification serves a dual purpose: first to disclose the invention in a manner comprehensible to the public fraternity once the monopoly rights have expired; and second to envisage the patent eligible subject matter that the patent applicant or patent owner intends to claim exclusively for themselves. Although, the inventors themselves can describe the invention technically, they often cannot fulfil the legal requirements of the specification. The illustrations that support the invention and the patent claims that define the scope of the invention specifically require inputs from skilled personnel. It is imperative that the patent specification satisfies the enablement requirement while clearly showing the patent applicant was in possession of the invention at the time of filing as most jurisdictions follow the first to file rule.

Prometheus IP offers patent drafting services that transform innovative ideas to enforceable Patents by diligent drafting of the patent specification. We have an expert team that is well versed in drafting patent specifications for inventions encompassing major fields of technology including electronics, Information technology, business methods, mechanical, chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical devices to name a few. Our team ensures that the claims and the detailed description of a patent specification sufficiently disclose the best mode of functioning of the invention.

Patent Drafting Procedure

We at Prometheus IP, follow a four step process to accomplish drafting of a patent application.

1) Technical discussion to understand the invention.
2) Filling up of the Invention disclosure form by the client.
3) Preparing the draft for client review.
4) Post-client review and reiterations
5) Filing the patent application with other relevant enclosures.

Provisional Patent Application Drafting

A provisional patent application is preferred when the inventor is in the process of finalizing the invention. The main purpose of the provisional patent application is to crystallize the invention and encompasses a general description of the invention, its field of application and expected result while not necessarily containing claims. Provisional patent application becomes imperative in order to establish the right of priority to an invention. A patent cannot be granted based on the provisional patent specification. It is a must that the provisional patent application is followed by a complete specification within 12 months of the provisional filing to claim the benefit of priority. If one fails to follow-up the Provisional patent application with a complete patent application, the provisional lapses thereafter.

Ordinary or Non-Provisional Patent Application

A non-provisional or ordinary patent application refers to an application filed at the patent office without claiming any priority of application made in a convention country or without any reference to any other application under process in the office is called an ordinary application. An ordinary application must be accompanied with a complete specification and claims.

Be it provisional or non-provisional patent application the general thumb rule is to disclose the claim eligible subject matter in a way that is not only compliant with the legal requirements pertaining to the jurisdiction concerned but must also be clearly describe the invention in a manner that a person skilled in the art is able to practice the invention. Having mere technical expertise is not enough but, the relevant legal acumen and strategic insight to develop a flexible patent strategy keeping in mind the future legal repercussions in mind is also required. At Prometheus IP we ensure that all these requirements are met to ensure a seamless journey to acquire a patent and also be able to adequately enforce the same.

Patent Illustrations

Patent illustrations or drawings constitute an indispensable component of a patent specification/application. Prometheus IP has a customized workflow to execute projects related to patent illustration. Our initiation process includes consultation with our clients to understand their requirements and specifications related to patent drawings. We then focus on the delivering high quality patent drawings that illustrates accurate design of the invention.

We assist our clients with all patent drawing requirements and provide cost effective services with quick turnaround. Prometheus follows the agile work model where the client is free to suggest any modifications from time to time during the project development stage. At Prometheus IP, we do a thorough quality check during the overall development process of patent drawings. The final version of the drawings is delivered electronically through secured networking in the format prescribed by the client. Our illustrations team is adept at generating drawings from rough sketches, photographs, and product samples. Our team of experienced patent illustrators work on design patents, utility patents, trademark drawings, complex mechanical drawings, medical device drawings, electronic drawings, photo retouching, graphs and screen shots as per the norms and guidelines laid out by USPTO and PCT. Vector graphics editors like CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, and other 2D-object drawing applications like Microsoft Visio are extensively and efficiently put to use by our Illustrations team members.

Our Wide Range of Services

Prometheus Patent Services Pvt Ltd.
Plot No:438, SPR Arcade,
1st Floor, TNGO’s Colony Phase 2
Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032
Telangana, India.
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Prometheus IPHeadquarters
Prometheus Patent Services Pvt Ltd.
Plot No:438, SPR Arcade,
1st Floor, TNGO’s Colony Phase 2
Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032
Telangana, India.
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